
Monday, March 25, 2013

Laporan MSSM 2013


SUKAN                       : GIMRAMA

TARIKH                      : 25-28 Mac 2013

TEMPAT                    : GIMNASIUM MSN, K.L

PENYERTAAN          : 1)  Izzah bt Amzah                            ( Tingkatan 1 Olmpik )
                          2) Iman Iskandar Chan                     ( Tingkatan 1 Olimpik )
                          3) Chong Lok Yi                                ( Tingkatan  1 Olimpik )
                          4) Koi Sie Yan                                   ( Tingkatan  2 Olimpik )
KEPUTUSAN            :  1) Izzah bt Amzah              
                                                Hoop                            – Johan
                                                Ribbon                          – Johan
                                                Ball                              – Johan
                                                                Club                                – Naib Johan
                                                                Individu keseluruhan – Johan
                                                Berpasukan                _ Johan

                                       2) Iman Iskandar Chan
                                                Hoop                            – Naib Johan
                                                Ribbon                          – Naib Johan
                                                Ball                              – Naib Johan
                                                                Club                                – Johan
                                                                Individu keseluruhan _Naib Johan                
                                                Berpasukan                _ Naib Johan

                                       3) Chong Lok Yi

                                                Hoop                            – Ketiga
                                                Ball                              – Ketiga
                                                Club                             – Keempat
                                                                Individu keseluruhan – Ketiga
                                                Berpasukan                _ Naib Johan

                                       4) Koi Sie Yan

                                                Hoop                            – Keempat
                                                Club                             – Ketiga
Disediakan oleh :

Penyelaras Sukan Gimrama

Buletin MSSM 2013

Izzah ratu gimrama

IZZAH dengan pingat emas yang dibolot dalam kejohanan Majlis Sukan Sekolah-Sekolah Selangor (MSSS), baru-baru ini.

KEHEBATANNYA melentur badan mengikut apa juga bentuk pergerakan sememangnya mengagumkan. Gerakan yang dilakukan oleh tubuh comel ini, dengan rambut disanggul kemas dan kostum yang dihias dengan labuci berwarna warni, mempersonakan mata yang memandangkan.
Usianya baru menjangkau lapan tahun, namun kehebatannya dalam mempamerkan aksi menarik dalam seni gimrama membuatkan penulis sendiri tertanya-tanya bagaimana kanak-kanak semuda itu boleh melakukannya.
Pada zahirnya, Izzah Amzan, pelajar tahun dua Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Taman Universiti (SRKTU), Sri Kembangan, Selangor ini, lincah dan keletah seperti kanak-kanak seusianya.
Apa yang membezakan Izzah dengan kanak-kanak lain ialah, dia merupakan pemegang pingat emas untuk keempat-empat acara yang dipertandingkan dalam kategori gimrama anjuran Majlis Sukan Sekolah-Sekolah Selangor (MSSS).
Kehebatan Izzah dalam sukan gimrama memang tidak perlu disangkal lagi. Dia telah menumpaskan 18 lagi peserta yang majoritinya dari kaum Cina dalam kejohanan yang dianjurkan baru-baru ini.
Di bawah penyeliaan gurunya, Nurwati Ab. Rahim, Izzah mengikuti latihan intensif dan bersistematik sebelum menyertai kejohanan MSSS.
Menurut Nurwati, ini merupakan kali kedua Izzah menyertai kejohanan besar di peringkat sekolah itu. Dia menyertai acara tanpa alat, bola, tali, gelung dan reben dan menjadi johan untuk setiap kategori tersebut.
“Kategori yang dinamakan Little Gymnas ini disertai oleh ahli gimrama yang berusia lapan tahun ke bawah. Ia terbuka untuk semua kanak-kanak yang bersekolah di Selangor.
“Setelah mengikuti latihan intensif dan disiplin yang ditunjukkan oleh Izzah, usahanya memang berbaloi. Saya juga dapati bukannya laluan yang mudah untuk bergelar johan terutama dalam sukan yang seringkali dikaitkan dengan yuran dan kos yang tinggi ini,” jelas Nurwati ketika ditemui di SRKTU, baru-baru ini.
Menceritakan tentang perihal anak muridnya, Nurwati berkata, Izzah seorang pelajar yang lincah dan aktif. Malah pencapaiannya dalam bidang akademik juga tidak mengecewakan.
“Izzah sememangnya seorang pelajar yang amat berdisiplin. Setiap hari dia akan bangun seawal jam lima pagi dan akan mengingatkan saya untuk menghantarnya ke tempat latihan,” katanya.
Dari aspek pemakanan pula, Izzah tidak sewenang-wenangnya menjamah makanan kerana ingin menjaga bentuk tubuhnya agar tidak kelihatan gemuk.
“Adakalanya selepas pertandingan saya mahu belanja dia makan, tetapi biasanya dia menolak kerana disiplin yang kuat dalam dirinya,” ujar Nurwati yang secara peribadi turut kagum dengan komitmen yang ditunjukkan oleh anak muridnya itu.
Selaku guru bertugas, memang menjadi tanggungjawabnya untuk membawa Izzah ke tempat latihan dan memastikan anak muridnya itu mendapat latihan intensif terutama sebelum perlawanan berlangsung.
Izzah yang mengikuti latihan di bawah jurulatih Inggeris berpengalaman, Elena, bernaung di bawah kelab gimnastik yang diberi nama Angel. Penglibatan awal Izzah bermula sejak usianya tujuh tahun.
Ketika itu kelab Angel mengadakan uji bakat di sekolah-sekolah untuk memilih pelajar yang dilihat berpotensi dalam bidang sukan tersebut.
Menepati kriteria yang dicari oleh penganjur, Izzah telah dipilih mengikuti latihan dan pencapaiannya yang konsisten melayakkan dia ditaja oleh Majlis Sukan Nasional (MSN).
“Walaupun jurulatihnya amat tegas dan berdisiplin, namun Izzah tidak pernah merungut malah dia sendiri tahu mendisiplinkan diri tanpa disuruh oleh ibunya atau saya.
“Melalui cerita ibunya, ruang tamu di rumah Izzah dikosongkan daripada sebarang perabot dan hanya dilengkapi sebuah cermin besar bersaiz dinding semata-mata untuk Izzah mengadakan latihannya di rumah.
“Tahun lepas, Izzah menyertai kejohanan antara kelab gimrama di Selangor dan selepas MSSS ini Izzah akan menyertai kejohanan Sirkit Antarabangsa pula,” jelas guru yang manis mengenakan baju kurung dari fabrik sutera.
Nurwati berkata, beliau menggalakkan ibu bapa yang melihat potensi sukan atau apa saja bakat yang ada pada anak mereka untuk diketengahkan.
“Ibu bapa mesti berjumpa dengan guru dan memberi tahu bahawa anak mereka berbakat dalam sesuatu acara atau apa saja.
“Dengan cara ini sekolah berpeluang menilai dan menggilap bakat mereka hingga ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Ibu bapa perlu ingat, kebolehan anak-anak pelbagai, dan jika kurang menyerlah dari aspek akademik, sekurang-kurangnya ada satu kebolehan yang boleh digunakan untuk kemajuan diri pada masa hadapan,” ujarnya menutup bicara.
Nama penuh : Izzah Amzan
Nama panggilan : Jijah
Umur : 8 tahun
Kedudukan dalam adik beradik : Bongsu dari tiga beradik. Abang, Izzat, 12 dan kakak Iffah, 11.
Asal : Kuala Lumpur
Cita-cita : Doktor
Hobi : Menaiki basikal
Pertandingan pernah disertai :
* Kejohanan Antara Kelab Selangor
* Majlis Sukan Sekolah-Sekolah Selangor (MSSS)
* (Johan keseluruhan kategori Little Gymnas, pingat emas dalam acara tanpa alat, bola, tali, reben)

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© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd

Saturday, March 9, 2013

National Gymnastics Championships results

Individual all-around: 1. Daniel Iskandar (Sel) 71.250, 2. Chooi Kit Weng (Kul) 65.200, 3. Hoe He Hoe (Kel) 62.900.
Floor Exercise: 1. Wan Mohd Farid Nazmi Wanali (Ter) 11.850, 2. Daniel Iskandar (Sel) 11.850, 3. Mohd Fawwas Khalid (Ter) 11.700.
Vault: 1. Daniel Iskandar (Sel) 13.400, 2. Hoe He Ping (Kel) 12.700, 3. Hoe He Hoe (Kel) 11.950.
Horizontal Bar: 1. Chooi Kit Weng (Kul) 10.800, 2. Daniel Iskandar (Sel) 10.200, 3. Hoe He Hoe (Kel) 10.150
Parallel bars: 1. Daniel Iskandar (Sel) 12.300, 2. Mohd Fawwas Khalid (Ter) 12.150, 3. Wan Mohd Farid Nazmi Wanali (Ter) 11.750.
Pommel horse: 1. Daniel Iskandar (Sel) 11.750, 2. Mohd Syazwan Sahimi (Pah) 11.000, 3. Hoe He Ping (Kel) 9.200
Rings: 1. Mohd Syazwan Sahimi (Pah) 11.300, 2. Mohd Fawwas Khalid (Ter) 11.100, 3. Wan Mohd Farid Nazmi Wanali (Ter) 10.950
Individual all-around: 1. Tracie Ang (Mal) 50.300, 2. Nur Eli Elina Azmi (Sel) 46.500, 3. Farah Ann Abdul Hadi (Sel) 43.750.
Vault: 1. Nur Eli Elina Azmi (Sel) 12.900, 2, Tracie Ang (Mal) 12.825, 3. Farah Ann Abdul Hadi (Sel) 12.200.
Uneven bars: 1. Tracie Ang (Mal) 13.350, 2. Nur Eli Elina Azmi (Sel) 10.300, 3. Farah Ann Abdul Hadi (Sel) 7.550.
Balance beam: 1. Tracie Ang (Mal) 13.950, 2. Farah Ann Abdul Hadi (Sel) 10.950, 3. Nur Eli Elina Azmi (Sel) 10.650.
Floor exercise: 1. Nul Eli Elina Azmi (Sel) 12.900, 2. Farah Ann Abdul Hadi (Sel) 12.200, 3. Tracie Ang (Mal) 9.950
Individual all-around: 1. Azroy Amirol Jaafar (Pah) 67.950, 2. Chao Jern Rong (Sel) 66.800, 3. Mohd Azim Othman (Ter) 59.650.
Team: 1. Terengganu 209.100.
Floor exercise: 1. Azroy Amirol Jaafar (Pah) 12.400, 2. Chao Jern Rong (Sel) 12.250, 3. Mohd Azim Othman (Ter) 12.050.
Vault: 1. Wan Mohd Ikmaluddin (Ter) 12.625, 2. Mohd Azim Othman (Ter) 12.750, 3. Azroy Amirol Jaafar (Pah) 13.250
Horizontal bar: 1. Azroy Amirol Jaafar (Pah) 12.000, 2. Zulbahrin Mat Asri (Ter) 10.650, 3. Chao Jern Rong (Sel) 10.650
Parallel bars: 1. Azroy Amirol Jaafar (Pah) 11.900, 2. Chao Jern Rong (Sel) 11.200, 3. Wan Mohd Ikmaluddin (Ter) 11.100
Pommel horse: 1. Chao Jern Rong (Sel) 10.150, 2. Saw Kin Kat (Pelapis) 9.800. 3. Zulbahrin Mat Asri (Ter) 9.300
Rings: 1. Chao Jern Rong (Sel) 11.050, 2. Azroy Amirol Jaafar (Pah) 11.000, 3. Afif Jazimin Zakaria (Kul) 10.500
Girls Individual all-around: 1. Siti Nur Bahirah Ahmad (Pah) 43.775, 2. Sarah Aneesa (Sel) 43.750, 3. Nur Aziza Aziri (Sel) 42.850.
Team: 1. Malacca 135.650, 2. Kuala Lumpur 107.800
Vault: 1. Chan Sau Mun (Sel) 11.550, 2. Siti Nur Bahirah Ahmad (Pah) 11.425, 3. Rachel Yeoh Li Wen (Pen) 11.075.
Uneven bars: 1. Siti Nur Bahirah Ahmad (Pah) 9.675, 2. Rachel Yeoh Li Wen (Pen) 9.000, 3. Chong Yan Lin (Mal) 8.650.
Balance beam: 1. Nur Aziza Aziri (Sel) 11.200, 2. Sarah Aneesa (Sel) 10.950, 3. Chong Yan Lin (Mal) 10.700.
Floor exercise: 1. Rachel Yeoh Li Wen (Pen) 12.250, 2. Siti Nur Bahirah Ahmad (Pah) 12.150, 3. Chong Yan Lin (Mal) 12.000.

Pencapaian 2012


Dua orang atlet gimrama telah mewakili pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan Piala Dunia di Moscow,Russia;
Dua orang atlet gimrama telah mewakili pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan Piala Dunia di Kalamata, Greece;
Dua orang atlet gimrama telah mewakili pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan Piala Dunia di Nizhny-Novgorod, Russia;
Dua orang atlet gimrama telah mewakili pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan Piala Dunia di Portimo, Portugal;
Dua orang atlet gimrama telah mewakili pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan Piala Dunia di Kiev, Ukraine;
Dua orang atlet gimrama telah mewakili pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan Piala Dunia di Corbell-Essones, Perancis;
Dua orang atlet gimrama telah mewakili pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan Piala Dunia di Tashkent, Uzbekistan;
Dua orang atlet gimrama telah mewakili pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan Piala Dunia di Montpellier, Perancis;

Farah Ann Ab Hadi - Floor - Team - Pacific Rim Championships

Artistic gymnastics team in dire need of new talents

 Limited choices: Tracie Ang is one of the four gymnasts in the elite squad.

Will Malaysian artistic gymnastics ever see its own version of the Fab Five?
What was once a goldmine for Malaysia with talents like Olympian Au Li Yen, Nurul Fatiha Abdul Hamid and Chan Sau Wah, the sport is now in a dire need of new faces.
If other sports are scraping the barrel, artistic gymnastics has certainly hit rock bottom.
The are four gymnasts in the elite squad – Tracie Ang, Tan Ing Yueh, Farah Ann Abdul Hadi and Nur Eli Ellina Azmi – and no replacement in the horizon.
National head coach Nurul Fatiha admits that the situation is dire.
“There is just too big a gap between the elite squad and the development (pelapis) squad. We don’t have enough gymnasts coming through the ranks,” she said.
“Some states like Pahang, Perak and Sarawak have appointed foreign coaches to unearth new talents. It’d be great if the other states do the same as well. We need a bigger talent pool to tap from.”
Fatiha, who took over from Russia’s Mikhail Gutsalyuk last February, revealed that most of the current gymnasts were “fragile” and prone to injuries.
“Our gymnasts are good, but they’re fragile. We have to look after them like precious cargo. Push them too hard, we’ll lose them to injury ... and they can’t compete. It also makes planning for competitions difficult as it’s a gamble and not everyone is 100% fit all the time,” said the 27-year-old Fatiha, a SEA Games gold medallist in the uneven bars in 2003 and 2005.
She also admitted that it was a slow and tedious process nursing her charges back to health each time they suffered from injuries.
However, Fatiha hopes that the two new additions to the elite squad – juniors Nur Azira Aziri and Rachel Yeoh – would gain more experience by training with the seniors.
“My target this year is to have a team at the SEA Games. I believe in my girls and I know they have what it takes to challenge for medals ... whatever the colour may be. They’re talented and capable of winning,” said Fatiha.
The elite squad will have two months to prepare for their first competition of the year – the 6th FIG Artistic Gymnastics Challenge Cup in Doha, Qatar, from March 27-29.

Gymnastics coach welcomes NSC’s development programme

Nurul Fatiha Abdul Hamid has welcomed the National Sports Council’s (NSC) move to revamp the women’s artistic gymnastics development programme with open arms.
The national women’s artistic gymnastics head coach said that while revamping the programme would definitely lift the development programme, “the buck shouldn’t stop there”.
“It’s a great idea to revamp the programme and hire a new coach ... but we also need to make sure we hire someone with the right quality who can spot and nurture talents into world class gymnasts,” said the 27-year-old Nurul Fatiha.
“But it shouldn’t just end there. I think the NSC (National Sports Council) or MGF (Malaysian Gymnastics Federation) should also monitor the progress of the coaches and gymnasts from the other states’ development programmes. They should give them a time frame, at least a year, to develop their gymnasts.
“I think if we do that we’ll be able to get new talents for the national squad.”
Although artistic gymnastics has been in decline over the last two years, she believes that pushing for results won’t help the sport and that the new programme should be given time to bear fruit.
“I’m confident we’ll see a new crop of young artistic stars in the near future, but we have to be patient. Gymnastics is not a sport where you can see results in a year. It may take five years ... but if we start now, we’ll be able to build on their strength, technique and skills,” she said.
“At least we know that the country’s women’s artistic gymnastics won’t fade away and that we’ll have a future star in the making. No matter how long it takes, we have to keep trying and we must start now.”

Woon all smiles after reaching All-England q-finals with Vivian

Gunning for more ranking points: Vivian Hoo (bottom) and Woon Khe Wei will play Miyuki Maeda-Satoko Suetsuna of Japan for a place in the semi-finals.

THERE was a sparkle in Woon Khe Wei’s eyes after reaching her first-ever All-England quarter-finals.

It was her best result since hurting her ankle in January last year. The injury made her a bench-warmer for the most part of the year.

On Thursday, however, she was on fire as she combined superbly with Vivian Hoo to knock out fourth seed and world No. 7 Eom Hye-won-Jang Ye-na of South Korea 21-13, 17-21, 21-17 in 66 minutes in the women’s doubles.

The breakthrough has given Khe Wei and Vivian a big boost in their bid to qualify for this year’s World Championships in August.

Khe Wei, who welcomed the breakthrough as an early birthday present, was overjoyed.

“Vivian and I played well to reach our first Super Series quarter-finals after a year – and to do it at the All-England is great,” said Khe Wei, who will turn 24 on March 18.

“I felt no pain during the match against the Koreans but I can feel it now,” she laughs.

“I must continue to monitor (her ankle condition). It’s been a tough one year for me. I have stayed away from competition for many months. I’m glad that despite all the difficulties, Vivian has stuck by my side.”

Before picking up the injury at last year’s Malaysian Open, Khe Wei-Vivian were riding high. They showed that they were able replacements for former internationals Chin Eei Hui-Wong Pei Tty by winning the Indonesian Open Grand Prix Gold in 2011.

“The injury stalled our progress. I could take the physical pain but it was a mentally taxing experience. I’m stronger now and hope to build from here,” said Khe Wei

Vivian, who will turn 23 a day after Khe Wei’s birthday, feels that the hard work they’ve been putting in under coach Rosman Razak is finally bearing fruit.

“We came here with good preparation. We did well to control the Koreans from the start and we hope to continue playing with confidence against our next opponents,” said Vivian.

Their last eight opponents are sixth seeds Mi­­yuki Maeda-Satoko Suetsuna of Japan. The Ma­­­­laysians have beaten them once in three meetings – in the second round of last year’s Ma­­­laysian Open where Khe Wei injured her ankle.

Whatever the outcome, world No. 28 Khe Wei-Vivian’s good showing here will surely help them break into the top 24 – and strengthen their claim for a place in the world meet.



Men’s singles: Tommy Sugiarto (Ina) bt Chou Tien-chen (Tpe) 21-12, 21-8; Nguyen Tien Minh (Vie) bt Sourabh Verma (Ind) 21-19, 21-19; Lee Chong Wei (Mas) bt Wang Zhengming (Chn) 21-17, 21-19; Jan O Jorgensen (Den) bt Sony Dwi Kuncoro (Ina) 11-7 (rtd); P. Kashyap (Ind) bt Kenichi Tago (Jpn) 21-18, 21-12; Tanongsak Saensomboonsuk (Tha) bt Sho Sasaki (Jpn) 21-9, 21-11.

Men’s doubles: Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif-Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari (Mas) bt Ricky Karanda Suwardi-Mohd Ulinnuha (Ina) 21-19, 21-15; Hiroyuki Endo-Kenichi Hayakawa (Jpn) bt Robert Blair-Tan Bin Shen (Sco-Mas) 17-21, 21-13, 21-14; Liu Xialong-Qiu Zihan (Chn) bt Mathias Boe-Carsten Mogensen (Den) 11-21, 21-11, 27-25; Kim Ki-jung-Kim Sa-rang (Kor) bt Hirokatsu Hashimoto-Noriyasu Hirata (Jpn) 21-18, 21-18; Mohd Ahsan-Hendra Setiawan (Ina) bt Lee Sheng-mu-Tsai Chia-tsin (Tpe) 23-21, 21-16.

Women’s singles: Saina Nehwal (Ind) bt Belaetrix Manuputi (Ina) 21-16, 21-11; Wang Shixian (Chn) bt Jiang Yanjiao (Chn) 21-11, 21-8; Lindaweni Fanetri (Ina) bt Porntip Buranaprasertsuk (Tha) 21-14, 21-10; Tine Baun (Den) bt Li Han (Chn) 21-13, 22-20; Juliane Schenk (Ger) bt P.V. Sindhu (Ind) 21-17, 21-14; Eriko Hirose (Jpn) bt Bae Yeon-ju (Kor) 20-22, 22-20, 21-19.

Women’s doubles: Pia Zebadiah Bernadeth-Rizki Amelia Pradipta (Ina) bt Lee So-hee-Shun Seung-chan (Kor) 21-12, 21-17; Ma Jin-Tang Jinhua (Chn) bt Anggia Shitta Awanda-Greysa Polii (Ina) 21-14, 21-15; Eun Kyung-eun-Kim Ha-na (Kor) bt Poon Lok Yan-Tse Ying Suet (Hkg) 22-20, 21-19; Miyuki Maeda-Satoko Suetsuna (Jpn) bt Anneke Feinya Agustin-Nitya Krishinda Maheswari (Ina) 17-21, 21-12, 21-9; Cheng Shu-Zhao Yunlei (Chn) bt Bao Yixin-Tian Qing (Chn) 21-17, 11-6 (rtd); Vivian Hoo-Woon Khe Wei (Mas) bt Eom Hye-won-Jang Ye-na (Kor) 21-13, 17-21, 21-17.

Mixed doubles: Mohd Rijal-Debby Susanto (Ina) bt Jorrit de Ruiter-Samantha Barning (Ned) 21-12, 21-14; Sudket Prapakamol-T. Saralee (Tha) bt Ong Jian Guo-Lim Yin Loo (Mas) 21-14, 21-13; Tantowi Ahmad-Lilyana Natsir (Ina) bt Kim Ki-jung-Jung Kyung-eun (Kor) 21-5, 21-11; Robert Mateusiak-Nadiezda Zieba (Pol) bt V Diju-Jwala Gutta (Ind) 21-17, 21-16.

Woon all smiles after reaching All-England q-finals with Vivian

Gunning for more ranking points: Vivian Hoo (bottom) and Woon Khe Wei will play Miyuki Maeda-Satoko Suetsuna of Japan for a place in the semi-finals.

THERE was a sparkle in Woon Khe Wei’s eyes after reaching her first-ever All-England quarter-finals.

It was her best result since hurting her ankle in January last year. The injury made her a bench-warmer for the most part of the year.

On Thursday, however, she was on fire as she combined superbly with Vivian Hoo to knock out fourth seed and world No. 7 Eom Hye-won-Jang Ye-na of South Korea 21-13, 17-21, 21-17 in 66 minutes in the women’s doubles.

The breakthrough has given Khe Wei and Vivian a big boost in their bid to qualify for this year’s World Championships in August.

Khe Wei, who welcomed the breakthrough as an early birthday present, was overjoyed.

“Vivian and I played well to reach our first Super Series quarter-finals after a year – and to do it at the All-England is great,” said Khe Wei, who will turn 24 on March 18.

“I felt no pain during the match against the Koreans but I can feel it now,” she laughs.

“I must continue to monitor (her ankle condition). It’s been a tough one year for me. I have stayed away from competition for many months. I’m glad that despite all the difficulties, Vivian has stuck by my side.”

Before picking up the injury at last year’s Malaysian Open, Khe Wei-Vivian were riding high. They showed that they were able replacements for former internationals Chin Eei Hui-Wong Pei Tty by winning the Indonesian Open Grand Prix Gold in 2011.

“The injury stalled our progress. I could take the physical pain but it was a mentally taxing experience. I’m stronger now and hope to build from here,” said Khe Wei

Vivian, who will turn 23 a day after Khe Wei’s birthday, feels that the hard work they’ve been putting in under coach Rosman Razak is finally bearing fruit.

“We came here with good preparation. We did well to control the Koreans from the start and we hope to continue playing with confidence against our next opponents,” said Vivian.

Their last eight opponents are sixth seeds Mi­­yuki Maeda-Satoko Suetsuna of Japan. The Ma­­­­laysians have beaten them once in three meetings – in the second round of last year’s Ma­­­laysian Open where Khe Wei injured her ankle.

Whatever the outcome, world No. 28 Khe Wei-Vivian’s good showing here will surely help them break into the top 24 – and strengthen their claim for a place in the world meet.



Men’s singles: Tommy Sugiarto (Ina) bt Chou Tien-chen (Tpe) 21-12, 21-8; Nguyen Tien Minh (Vie) bt Sourabh Verma (Ind) 21-19, 21-19; Lee Chong Wei (Mas) bt Wang Zhengming (Chn) 21-17, 21-19; Jan O Jorgensen (Den) bt Sony Dwi Kuncoro (Ina) 11-7 (rtd); P. Kashyap (Ind) bt Kenichi Tago (Jpn) 21-18, 21-12; Tanongsak Saensomboonsuk (Tha) bt Sho Sasaki (Jpn) 21-9, 21-11.

Men’s doubles: Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif-Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari (Mas) bt Ricky Karanda Suwardi-Mohd Ulinnuha (Ina) 21-19, 21-15; Hiroyuki Endo-Kenichi Hayakawa (Jpn) bt Robert Blair-Tan Bin Shen (Sco-Mas) 17-21, 21-13, 21-14; Liu Xialong-Qiu Zihan (Chn) bt Mathias Boe-Carsten Mogensen (Den) 11-21, 21-11, 27-25; Kim Ki-jung-Kim Sa-rang (Kor) bt Hirokatsu Hashimoto-Noriyasu Hirata (Jpn) 21-18, 21-18; Mohd Ahsan-Hendra Setiawan (Ina) bt Lee Sheng-mu-Tsai Chia-tsin (Tpe) 23-21, 21-16.

Women’s singles: Saina Nehwal (Ind) bt Belaetrix Manuputi (Ina) 21-16, 21-11; Wang Shixian (Chn) bt Jiang Yanjiao (Chn) 21-11, 21-8; Lindaweni Fanetri (Ina) bt Porntip Buranaprasertsuk (Tha) 21-14, 21-10; Tine Baun (Den) bt Li Han (Chn) 21-13, 22-20; Juliane Schenk (Ger) bt P.V. Sindhu (Ind) 21-17, 21-14; Eriko Hirose (Jpn) bt Bae Yeon-ju (Kor) 20-22, 22-20, 21-19.

Women’s doubles: Pia Zebadiah Bernadeth-Rizki Amelia Pradipta (Ina) bt Lee So-hee-Shun Seung-chan (Kor) 21-12, 21-17; Ma Jin-Tang Jinhua (Chn) bt Anggia Shitta Awanda-Greysa Polii (Ina) 21-14, 21-15; Eun Kyung-eun-Kim Ha-na (Kor) bt Poon Lok Yan-Tse Ying Suet (Hkg) 22-20, 21-19; Miyuki Maeda-Satoko Suetsuna (Jpn) bt Anneke Feinya Agustin-Nitya Krishinda Maheswari (Ina) 17-21, 21-12, 21-9; Cheng Shu-Zhao Yunlei (Chn) bt Bao Yixin-Tian Qing (Chn) 21-17, 11-6 (rtd); Vivian Hoo-Woon Khe Wei (Mas) bt Eom Hye-won-Jang Ye-na (Kor) 21-13, 17-21, 21-17.

Mixed doubles: Mohd Rijal-Debby Susanto (Ina) bt Jorrit de Ruiter-Samantha Barning (Ned) 21-12, 21-14; Sudket Prapakamol-T. Saralee (Tha) bt Ong Jian Guo-Lim Yin Loo (Mas) 21-14, 21-13; Tantowi Ahmad-Lilyana Natsir (Ina) bt Kim Ki-jung-Jung Kyung-eun (Kor) 21-5, 21-11; Robert Mateusiak-Nadiezda Zieba (Pol) bt V Diju-Jwala Gutta (Ind) 21-17, 21-16.

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